from the secret diary of Albert Gore, 43rd president of the United States.
Aug. 13, 2001: The Aug. 6 presidential briefing was emphatic: "Bin Laden determined to attack in the United States." I've had little sleep since. With Bill Clinton as my "terrorism czar," I think we're making some headway unraveling the plot.
Aug. 29, 2001: Good news! The pooling of interagency intelligence has resulted in significant arrests of Saudi emigres at American flight schools. Everything is top secret, but we've uncovered something big.
Sept. 11, 2001: I don't know why I let
Donna talk me into flying to Sarasota, Fla., to read "The Pet Goat" to second-graders, but I'm glad she did. The students at Emma T. Booker Elementary are delightful. They laughed when I pretended to read the book upside down. One little boy raised his hand and offered to tutor me for 50 cents an hour. I was touched by his ambition. He saw an opportunity and went for it. That's what America is all about. On the flight back to Washington, I couldn't take my eyes off the cerulean blue horizon. For all of our problems, God has seen fit to bless us with beautiful skies. I'm not going to be disappointed if we have many more uneventful days like this one.