Daily Star Lebanon
By Mark Perry
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Since talk of "Islamofascism" is so much in vogue these days, it might be useful to return to those years when the inventors of the ideology (let's call them "Christofascists") took their show on the road. If US President George W. Bush thinks that "the terrorists" hate our values now, he should look at these guys.
From 1933 to 1945, Germany, Italy and Japan (the latter, I suppose, "Shintofascists") and their freedom-hating friends put 21 million men and women in uniform. By the time they were finished they had killed 10 million soldiers, sailors and airmen and another 22 million civilians. The Allies responded by fielding 50 million men and women who killed just over 7 million soldiers and about 2 million civilians. The total butcher's bill was 41 million dead, give or take 1 million. Still - thank God - at the end of this "wargasm" our "Judeo-Christian values" had prevailed.
Among the more interesting statistics from this recent madness is this: At the height of the war, the Soviet Army executed more men each week for desertion than died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, a grand total of 157,000 executions. And that was just for desertion.
Or this: that nearly 5 million tons of bombs were dropped on Germany and Japan in nearly 3 million bombing missions. In Hamburg, on three nights in late July and early August of 1943, Allied bombers killed nearly 100,000 people. In Japan, the "terror bombings" (as they were called) were so devastating that Japanese officials ripped down entire parts of their cities to create firebreaks. The American bomber command bombed Japanese cities anyway - a program called "dehousing." Approximately 10 million Japanese were "dehoused" in 1945