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question everything Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 08:50 PM
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I sat through Mike Judge’s new comedy, Idiocracy, struggling to suppress my laughter. It was an evening screening, just a few days after the film opened, and there were only four people in the entire theater.


The film takes us on a tour of a vividly realized, nightmare America — or “Uhmerica” — where the streets are piled high with mountains of uncollected garbage, astonishingly crass corporate advertising assaults the senses (Fuddruckers has now dropped all pretense and just calls itself Buttfuckers, although it remains a popular spot for kiddie birthday parties), and the most popular show on TV is called Ow! My Balls! You know that snaggle-toothed trog on your block who spends every Saturday camped out in his driveway with his knuckle-dragging buddies, blasting hip-hop at unholy volumes from noon until the cops finally show up at 11 p.m.? Idiocracy’s future America has become nothing but that guy, from sea to oily, polluted sea, and it’s a hilarious, terrifying place, like one of R. Crumb’s cartoons come to grimy life.

Judge’s previous creations, which include Beavis and Butt-Head, King of the Hill and Office Space, have made him many millions of dollars and spawned enough catch phrases to fill a couple of chapters in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations; as you read these very words, thousands of dorks all over America are annoying their co-workers by muttering about Swingline staplers. But even most of Judge’s most devoted fans were unaware he had a new film in theaters because Fox dumped this thing like a radioactive turd, releasing it to but a handful of cities, with no TV or radio ads, no posters, no media press kits . . . basically, the only way you’d have known this movie existed is if you happened to run into Judge somewhere and asked him what he’s been up to lately.

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Stalwart Donating Member (180 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-14-06 10:05 PM
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1. Google Idiocracy
As a result I got 3,560,000 hits? Skipping ahead in pages of hits they all seem to relate to the movie. Finally getting to the end of the numbered pages of hits it asks if you want see more that may be duplicates, that returns a number above a couple hundred thousand.

Mysterious number of hits on the google search.. Some type of google bomb? Somebody at google must like the movie?

No doubt this will become a word of mouth cult classic.
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