---- "Debt," pure and simple, may be seen in another way as propping up the economy. Someone buys something on credit, ie, with money they don't have.. and may even end up defaulting on,.... but the person theoretically receiving the as-yet un-transferred funds gets a positive tick in their own account balance. Money! And they may spend it immediately. I realize this is a perversion of the "velocity of money" concept,.. but we do, in fact, "create" money by borrowing and going into debt. It's a sick system.
---- Gov't debt,.. T-bills, etc used chiefly to finance war, defense contractors, military salaries, etc,...is a net loss. We pay debt service payments for money that doesn't earn anything,... Hardly the same as borrowing money to start a business or build a house. But there is certainly plenty of it.
---- Consumer debt was just revised upwards by about $150 billion more than was reported for August,... and we have had a negative savings rate for some time, now. But debt is what keeps all those goods and services moving, eh? And that IS the economy.