While recent news reports have focused on the problems with spinach infected by E. Coli, the World Health Organization has issued an urgent alert, warning of the grave dangers posed by an outbreak of Neo-Coli — the shorthand name for “Neo-Con Lies and World Domination.”
Unlike E. Coli, a food-borne illness which originates on farms, the Neo-Coli bacteria is considered a skewed-based disease, and emanates from chicken-hawks who usually occupy a large white house or pentagonal-shaped building. However, what both strains have in common is their core component: manure.
Also known as Cheneybacterius, or Bushococcus:43, the Neo-Coli bacteria is much more dangerous than E. Coli, which usually causes only limited fatalities. Neo-Coli is particularly rampant in the Middle East, and causes massive cases of Die-arrhea, abdominal clamps, and the spread of Shiite-itis.
While E. Coli typically affects products like spinach, Neo-Coli depends for its survival on “Spin-ish.” Also, unlike most products infected with E. Coli, which are inadvertently ingested, Neo-Coli is invariably shoved down the victim’s throat.
A spokesperson at the Center for Disease Control also emphasized that while those infected with E. Coli can always be treated with antibiotics, there is no similar remedy for Neo-Coli, which stubbornly stays its course, and appears resistant to a body-politic’s immune system of checks and balances.