This is just incredible.
I am sure the "librul media" will be all over this one...right?
Bush to Daniel Pearl's killers: "here's your reward -- F-16s!"by jukeboxgrad
Tue Sep 19, 2006 at 07:33:54 AM PDT
Yesterday LondonYank posted a terrific diary noting many connections between Pakistan and terrorism ("The REAL Reason for Secret Tribunals? Pakistan Terrorism Timeline"). Daniel Pearl was mentioned in the diary and also in the comments (including comments by LondonYank and PaulGaskin). These comments pointed out apparent connections between Pakistan and 9/11, connections that Pearl was reportedly investigating when he was killed. LY also made this important point: Bush is planning to send Pakistan F-16s. This prompted me to remember one of the major demands made by Pearl's killers: to send Pakistan F-16s.
In other words Bush is now in the process of appeasing and rewarding Pearl's killers, by sending Pakistan the F-16s those killers demanded.