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Secret CIA prisons in your backyard...

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 10:09 AM
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Secret CIA prisons in your backyard...
Secret CIA Prisons in Your Backyard

By Onnesha Roychoudhuri, Truthdig. Posted September 22, 2006.

The largest covert CIA operation since the Cold War is run not only by shadowy government contractors in the darkest corners of Afghanistan, but also by unassuming Americans in places like Dedham, Mass. Tools
When U.S. civilian airplanes were spotted in late 2002 taking trips to and from Andrews Air Force Base, and making stops in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, journalists and plane-spotters wondered what was going on. It soon became clear that these planes were part of the largest covert operation since the Cold War era. Called extraordinary rendition, the practice involves CIA officials or contractors kidnapping people and sending them to secret prisons around the world where they are held and often tortured, either at the hands of the host-country's government or by CIA personnel themselves.

On Sept. 6, after a long period of official no-comments, President Bush acknowledged the program's existence. But the extent of its operations has yet to be publicly disclosed.

How extensive is it? Trevor Paglen, an expert in clandestine military installations, and A.C. Thompson, an award-winning journalist for S.F. Weekly, spent months tracking the CIA flights and the businesses behind them. What they found was a startlingly broad network of planes (including the Gulfstream jet belonging to Boston Red Sox co-owner Phillip Morse), shell companies, and secret prisons around the world. Perhaps the most disturbing revelation of their new book Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights is the collusion of everyday Americans in this massive CIA program. From family lawyers who bolster the shell companies, to an entire town in Smithfield, N.C., that hosts CIA planes and pilots, Torture Taxi is the story of the broad reach of extraordinary rendition, and, as Hannah Arendt coined the phrase, the banality of evil.

Trevor and A.C. joined me by phone to explain how they managed to follow a paper trail that led to some of the most critical unknowns about the extraordinary rendition program.

Onnesha Roychoudhuri: How did the idea for the book come about?

Trevor Paglen: I research military secrecy at Berkeley and there is a community there trying to figure out what military programs are. At some point, this hobbyist community became aware that there were these civilian planes flying around, acting as if they were working in military black programs. These people started tracking the planes and repeatedly seeing them in places like Libya and Guantanamo Bay. It became pretty clear that this was a CIA thing and that these were planes that were involved in the extraordinary rendition program.

The rest is at:

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 12:27 PM
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1. Look! Good American Christians in NC are helping torture!
Edited on Fri Sep-22-06 12:27 PM by Joanne98

But the two most interesting places were the rural town of Smithfield and Kinston down the road, where there's another airstrip that a company called Aero Contractors uses. Aero is the company that flies many of these missions for the CIA. We went there and talked to a pilot who had worked for Aero about exactly what they did and how the program worked. There's nothing random about the CIA using this rural area in North Carolina. If you wanted to shut up a secret operation, this is where you would do it. It's a God, guns and guts area.

Roychoudhuri: When you asked questions, what kind of answers did you get?

Thompson: What you start to figure out by spending time in Smithfield is that a lot of people know about the company and have at least an inkling of what goes on at the airport. Most don't want to talk about it and don't take a critical view of it. Folks we met there framed the debate within this religious discourse. The activists that we talked to were god-fearing devout Christians who felt like this was not what they signed up for as religious people, that it violates the religious tenets they adhere to. Interestingly, folks on the other side of the debate seem to be coming from a similar place, but just coming to a different conclusion. The subject of whether or not torture was permitted by the Bible was discussed in church there--and many congregants believed it was.

Paglen: It's this small town with this open secret that nobody wants to talk about. It shows what's going on culturally. When a country starts doing things like torturing and disappearing people, it's not just a policy question, it's also a cultural question.

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Joanne98 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-22-06 12:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Here's Smithfield, the torture towns website....
Edited on Fri Sep-22-06 12:33 PM by Joanne98
Corner of Market & Fourth Streets in the heart of downtown

Welcome Look around, make yourself at home. If this is home, then get involved. Our community offers an abundance of civic, social, and religious organizations which allow for direct and positive involvement by citizens of all ages, including our visitors. Use our website as your gateway to the community and to keep informed. Again, welcome to Smithfield, my home town!

On behalf of the Town Council,
Norman Johnson, Mayor
News And Events!

Contact Us It's as easy as picking up the phone. Or if you prefer, you can e-mail us at

Town of Smithfield
PO Box 761
Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone 919-934-2116 • Fax 919-989-8937

In case anybody wants to e-mail them. They should have pictures of themselves, so we can see what the most evil look like.

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