Walter Mondale & forme U.S. Senator Dee Huddleston (D-KY) also spoke at this event
Speakers criticize Bush's privacy proposals - September 22, 2006
By Art Jester
President Bush's contention that the United States should be allowed to wiretap its citizens without a warrant and to torture prisoners to gain information puts him on a radical path of of violating longstanding laws and constitutional guarantees, a former U.S. vice president, former U.S. senator and a prominent New York City lawyer said at the University of Kentucky last night.
"What is being debated now is itself a radical position, that the president can break the law if that's what he thinks is needed to save the country," said Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr., the general counsel of a U.S. Senate select committee's investigation in the mid-1970s of massive illegal spying by the CIA and the FBI.