Hello. This is my first post. It may well be my last. I've been searching for a place to discuss the issues, and to find kindred spirits who are trying to work 'for the good'. I had hope, and have searched through most of the forums here, to find a way 'in', a place where rational evaluation and ways forward can be discussed, and acted upon -- in a civil manner. Perhaps that is where my hope is not well placed. I can accept that, and I have, as the RULES for this forum suggested, 'thick skin'.
Yet the RULES prefaced that section with this: Content: Do not post messages that are inflammatory, extreme, divisive, incoherent, or otherwise inappropriate. Do not engage in anti-social, disruptive, or trolling behavior. Do not post broad-brush, bigoted statements.
Now, while all of 'us' (?) are supposedly of the Democratic Party persuasion, and therefore certainly there will be humor and attitudes that could be deemed divisive to Republicans (or others), I find the bulk of the attitude upon this forum to be, well, (since we're all happily thick skinned here) reprehensible. (I'm sorry if I missed the proper DU misspelling of this word to make fun of someone else, like you do with 'moran', etc.) I would ask forgiveness ahead of time, but, (what the hell) intent to civility may not matter on egroups or forums, does it? Even if the RULES say so.
My point is, I feel ill when reading the posts. Not because I disagree with all the underlying points -- if I can sort through the bigotry, anti-social, disruptive, incoherent, extreme, and inflammatory language that conveys it. (And, apologies to any who are offended by my ending a sentence with a preposition; I know it is breaking another rule.)
My question is, really, where IS the heart and the searching for solution unitedly. The DU seems no better (if not, indeed worse, because of the 'alternative' that one would hope it contains) to the right-wing blather. Is the goal to 'meet them on their own level'? If so, I find (by searching through 'the opposition' as well, at length, that DU has exceeded the 'right' in bigotry and inflammatory sound bytes.
Please, if anyone can point me to a forum which is 'of the people', and Democratic, and that does adhere to their own rules of civility, I would be most welcome of the advice. I don't believe it is here, regretfully.
Sincerely, An inquirer. (I feel like washing my hands and vomiting now, as I can imagine that this opinion will receive flaming hate mail. I do wish you ... us? ... well, but my god friends, if this is the best that the DU can offer, we ARE in trouble. All of us, worldwide.)