Larry King's Linda Tripp Interview 'Puff Piece', Ignored Unecessary Torture She Inflicted on America Weiner Asserts
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Larry King's hour-long interview of Linda Tripp tonight was a "puff piece" which "ignored the unnecessary torture she inflicted on America," Bob Weiner, Clinton White House staffer who was subpoenaed by Ken Starr before the Lewinsky Grand Jury, asserted tonight.
Weiner said, "I couldn't get past their call-in 800 line busy signal to ask what King himself should have asked and emphasized to Tripp but never did: 'Why was it so important to challenge Clinton's private sexual actions with a totally consenting person? And how do you justify the legal torture you put so many innocent people through about being questioned about it, like me and my wife, when many millions of Americans -- whether rightly or not -- have done the same thing since time immemorial?"
Instead, with only some four minutes of pointed questions, King, on his show, "Larry King Live," spent 50 minutes promoting Tripp's foundation, her admirable strength against breast cancer, her "lovely" daughter that King brought on-air (and that daughter's unchallenged statement that Monica was "a little flaky"), allowing Tripp to repeat several times how she was "not part of a right-wing conspiracy", showing B-roll of her Christmas shopping, and accepting as fact Tripp saying "I know that Hillary knew" about Monica because Tripp was "in the oval office." The show concluded with Tripp advertising a holiday ornament honoring the 1800 White House (I'd have to ask, who in fact wants Tripp as a spokesman for the White House?) -- and again promoting a website for Tripp's foundation.
Weiner concluded, "I wish someone as respected as Larry King would have had a more equal forum on his show, perhaps including a segment challenging Tripp's statements and views, since the one he had was almost totally one-sided."