In perhaps the most damning report to date, a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) concludes that Iraq is a “cause celebre” for extremists – in the Bush Administration.
The NIE — finally declassified after calls by Democrats reinvigorated by a Bill Clinton spinal injection – states that Iraq has served as a major recruiting tool for know-nothings, evangelicals and rednecks that make up the GOP electoral base.
The Report states that without Iraq, and the phony sense of “wartime” emergency it creates, the Bush Administration would otherwise collapse under the sheer weight of its own incompetence.
Indeed, the NIE further emphasized that Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and the rest of the Neo-Cons have given new meaning to the words “cause celebre,” as they throw wild parties every night rejoicing in their decision to create an unnecessary war that they can exploit.
Pakistani President Musharraf, asked in an interview about his book’s contention that he opposed the invasion of Iraq because he feared that it would only encourage extremists, clarified that he too was talking about the Bush Administration, not Al Qaeda.
Perhaps the most troubling development, the NIE points out, are the explosive growth of Jesus Camps, which have metastasized from a single location in the West, to the point where they now have cells on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
“If this trend continues,” the NIE concluded, “threats to U.S. interests at home will become more serious, since jihadist groups will attack in order to make us more democratic.”
MORE BAD NEWS ON IRAQ — Bumper Stickers now seen all over Baghdad: