pilot comes forward on spotting Bush's plane
From Dana Bash
CNN Political Unit
WASHINGTON (CNN) --One of the most suspenseful moments told of President Bush's covert Thanksgiving trip -- that a British Airways pilot spotted Air Force One as it secretly made its way to Baghdad -- has not been confirmed by any BA captains in the air that day.
"Only two British Airways flights were in the Mideast at the time," Honor Verrier, a spokeswoman for the airline, said Monday. "We spoke with the two captains. Neither made comments to Air Force One, nor did they hear any other aircraft do so over the radio."
A White House official now says the story the president's pilot told was of an exchange between the British Airways plane and the control tower, about Air Force One, and there was no direct contact with Mr. Bush's plane directly.
The story was told as an example of the suspense and secrecy of the trip, which the president said was essential to keep under wraps. He said he was prepared to abort the journey if anyone found out. (Bush talks about the trip)