National Association of School Psychologists
Position Statement on Corporal Punishment in Schools
The use of corporal punishment has been declining in U.S. schools. Waning public acceptance, increased litigation against school boards and educators regarding its use and legislative bans have led to the decline. More than half of the states ban its use. In states where it is allowed, many school boards voluntarily prohibit it. Yet, over 250,000 children are being hit yearly in public schools with a disproportionate number being minority children and children with disabilities. Corporal punishment is any intervention which is designed to or likely to cause physical pain in order to stop or change behavior. In the United States, the most typical form of school corporal punishment is the striking of a student’s buttocks with a wooden paddle by a school authority because the authority believes the student has disobeyed a rule.
Discipline is important and schools have a strong role in teaching children to be self-disciplined. Self-discipline is the ability to understand a situation, to make appropriate decisions about one’s behavior in that situation and to ordinarily perform the appropriate behavior when unsupervised by adults. Effective discipline is primarily a matter of instruction rather than punishment. Many means of effective and safe discipline are available. Punishment contingencies in general tend to have negative side effects including leading students to be sneaky and to lie about their behavior in order to escape punishment. Corporal punishment is a technique that can easily be abused leading to physical injuries. Evidence indicates that corporal punishment negatively effects the social, psychological and educational development of students and contributes to the cycle of child abuse and pro-violence attitudes of youth. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) reaffirms its opposition to the use of corporal punishment in schools and will actively support removal of legal sanctions for its use ..
- Original Statement Adopted by NASP Delegate Assembly, April, 1986
- Revision adopted by NASP Delegate Assembly, April 18, 1998
- Revision adopted by NASP Delegate Assembly, July 21, 2001