I just posted this article in a typical Nader bashing thread but understand that some of us have more civilised intent than to enterone of those threads. Considering that this article speaks to a subject I have long felt to be truth here it is:
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/12/02/EDGCT3CQL51.DTLIssues in the San Francisco Mayor's Race
Why the Democrats need Matt Gonzalez
Peter Gabel Tuesday, December 2, 2003
Out of a misplaced desperation about a Green Party candidate becoming the mayor of San Francisco, the national Democratic Party leadership is apparently ready to pull out all the stops to defeat Matt Gonzalez in the Dec. 9 mayoral runoff against Gavin Newsom.
Many of us read with astonishment that even former Vice President Al Gore is coming to town today to insert himself into a race he knows nothing about, no doubt reflecting a generalized anxiety by the party's leadership that its base in California is being decisively weakened: first, by Arnold Schwarzenegger's victory over Gov. Gray Davis; and now, by Gonzalez's challenge to Newsom as the Democratic establishment's heir-apparent to Willie Brown. The Democrats still believe that but for Green candidate Ralph Nader, Gore would be president, and that a Gonzalez victory here will only further weaken the party's base.
As has so often been the case over the last 30 years, the Democrats have got it all wrong -- in fact, exactly backward. The reality is that the Greens have not been a threat to the Democrats, but have rather been their lifeline, re-energizing the progressive base that the Democrats have continued to mistakenly abandon in order to appeal -- or, to be more blunt, to pander -- to a nonexistent "mainstream" they wrongly imagine sits to their right.
Before Nader entered the race, Gore was headed for a landslide loss to George W. Bush, running a campaign that was so bland that I defy you, dear reader, to remember one thing that Gore stood for. Only Nader's entry stirred up enough hope in the progressive core of the majority of the population to get people to come out and vote in such large numbers between 5 and 8 p.m. on election night, some for Nader but many, many more for Gore as the projected incarnation of the Democrats' progressive heritage.
It was Nader who stirred voters to remember the progressive values at the core of the Democratic Party, precisely by criticizing the party from its left and with a Green hat on. Sometimes the emperor has to be told he's wearing no clothes in order to remember to get dressed. If Gore had grasped that it was Nader and the force of the progressive spirit that had released the genie that generated Gore's 600,000 majority in the popular vote, he could have mobilized that spirit nationwide to then win the battle for Florida, instead of handing it to Bush on a silver platter.