One particularly toxic effect of three straight national election victories by the Bush movement is the defeatist belief -- pervasive among many Democrats and other Bush critics -- that our political situation is hopeless, in large part because Americans are too apathetic and easily manipulated. Aside from the obvious danger that defeatism of that sort can easily become self-fulfilling, it is also grounded in factually false premises.
Defeatist my ass. It's not the dems who are getting defeated water-boy.
How convenient - now we can all say what we knew in 2000 when we voted for them - that the squatter in chief is an idiot. Dumber than a sack of hammers. Lights out and no one home stupid.
Now that he is dead duck and we may have to face a dem majority in congress we can use him as a foil to take the heat. Hang him out to dry. Let him twist in the wind. It's his fault after all.
How goddamn fucking convenient.
Mona (a Bush '04 and two-time Reagan voter) elaborates on the path taken by many, such as herself and Cole, who have abandoned this administration despite their long-term support for the Republican Party. Obviously, she can't really believe what she is saying, so we'll wait for Bush followers like Hawkins to tell us whether she's saying this because she has a book to promote, wants blog traffic, hates religious people, or is suffering from some severe mental illness. In the meantime, though, it is worth reading what Mona describes because it seems clear that many Americans have had a similar political awakening.
Political awakening!! Give me a fucking break!! You elect a dim-witted frat boy, support him while he trashes the world, and you have "political awakenings"!!!
This guy (Greenwald) is going to great lengths to avoid saying the plain truth: "we really fucked up by ever letting this man sit in white house and run our country".