snip A plague is abroad in the land. Bush Derangement Syndrome: The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush. snip It is, of course, epidemic in New York's Upper West Side and the tonier parts of Los Angeles, where the very sight of the president - say, smiling while holding a tray of Thanksgiving turkey in a Baghdad mess hall - caused dozens of cases of apoplexy in otherwise healthy adults.
snip It is true that BDS has struck some pretty smart guys - Bill Moyers ranting about a "right-wing wrecking crew" engaged in "a deliberate, intentional destruction of the United States way of governing" and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. snipThat's what has researchers so alarmed about Dean. He had none of the usual risk factors: Dean has never opined for a living and has no detectable sense of humor snip I fired off the following letter to the editor:
I want to thank you for running Charles Krauthammer's column (12/5/03). I had considered him a partisan hack with no sense of humor but I now learn he has the ability to make psychiatric diagnosis's from reading a news report. I also find I have too Bush Derangement Syndrome. Imagine my surprise! I thought the fact that Mr. Bush has obstructed the 9-11 commission and won't release documents, changed our national policy to pre-emptive war, is driving the national debt to levels never seen before by giving vast sums of taxpayer money to his corporate friends, has drawn up a 'patriot act' taking away my civil rights, is rolling back clean air and clean water standards, gives my tax money to Halliburton but they can't provide basic necessities to the troops....were valid reasons to be worried. I am so relieved to find I am just paranoid. I feel so much better now.