Command Sgt. Maj. Sandra K. Townsend spoke with medical soldiers and with wounded troops Thursday at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.
“What they’re saying is they need more people,” Townsend said of medical troops during an interview Thursday.
Hospitals such as Landstuhl already are at 80 percent manning and must be bolstered with Reserve and National Guard troops to do their wartime mission, she said.
The two leaders were unable to visit medical troops in Iraq, however, because President Bush’s visit made it difficult to get clearance, she said.Comment: If the medics are taxed in Landstuhl, Wuerzburg, Heidelburg, Kuwait and Qatar, imagine how taxed they are in Iraq. We won't get that report, however, because Bush preempted a 3 star general and top enlisted leader's visit to the Iraqi war zone.
Posing with a plastic turkey for the cameras was more important to Bush than allowing vital information on war-time medical readiness.
This man is vermin.