Are you a registered Republican?
I'm a registered Independent. And AARP is a nonpartisan organization. We don't line up with Republicans or Democrats. We line up with seniors.
Have you always been an Independent?
I don't remember. I honestly don't. I may have been a Republican when I was working on the Nixon campaign.
Was Nixon a friend of yours?
I shook his hand. I didn't know him personally. I worked on the November Group, the in-house advertising agency for the re-election of Richard Nixon in 1972.
Would you care to divulge your annual salary as the head of AARP?
Sure. I earn $420,000 a year. It's terrific. I think my salary is very fair.
Have you invested any of your own money in the health-insurance business?
You mean stocks and bonds? My wife manages that. I honestly don't know.
uh... yeah. right.