Q Have you and the network decided whether to go ahead with a talk show?
A Well, they're pretty far along on putting the network in place. The question for me is whether I'm doing my show, which would be three hours a day, five days a week. So, it would essentially consume my life. So, I'm asking myself, "Is this the best way for me to spend the next 11 months going into this election? Is that the most effective use of my time?"
In the early part of this year I was researching the book, and then in the spring I was writing, and then I finished in July. And then I went on vacation thinking I would come back with a few weeks to actually focus on this whole radio thing -- and Fox sued me. Which meant that we released the book earlier. So I've been on this book tour since late August.
Q I didn't realize the lawsuit moved up the release of the book. What was the thinking there?
A To take advantage of the enormous publicity that was generated by their dumbass lawsuit and our subsequent victory in court. Fox was literally laughed out of court. Now usually when you say someone was literally laughed out of court, you mean they were figuratively laughed out of court. Not in this case. People came from miles around to see this historic First Amendment case and laughed throughout the hearing.