Is Condoleezza Rice a "clean the mess in George's diaper" nanny, indirectly appointed by Poppy to do just that, "clean the mess in George's diaper?"
So, riding in the backseat of an unmarked car, alongside her frat boy charge, with a baseball cap pulled toward their eyes as they left the Crawford Ranch, this want to be invisible National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, accompanied George on his Thanksgiving flight to Iraq.
Perhaps Condoleezza Rice likes the rush of an adrenaline moment.
Standing on the deck of an aircraft carrier in carrier attire with the carrier's entire crew waiting for cheerleading frat boy to make his landing, surely, provided an adrenaline moment for Condoleezza Rice. Sneaking out of Crawford in undercover attire in an undercover transport, in imitation of the ways used by freedom seekers the world over trying to escape repressive regimes any where, at any time period, must have provided another adrenaline moment for the nanny and her charge. Surprising the troops in an airport hanger in Iraq, landing in the dark of night with lights turned off, surely provided another adrenaline moment for the nanny-cheerleader duo from Crawford—the sort of romanticized World War II adrenaline moments that Ronald Reagan was fond of making up in his speeches—the sort of romanticized adrenaline moment which buys unwise, spur of the moment, not thought through, votes. And, why not do so? It was, after all, Dorothy Walker who gave her progeny the motto, "win at all cost but never appear to want to win". Another Bush rule which Condoleezza Rice appears to have learned well and which reassures her of her insider place in the exclusive Bush inner sanctum.