Meditations (Politics) - From Martin LeFevre in California
What Will It Take To Defeat Bush?
The thought of another four years of the devil's right hand man as "leader of the free world" is too horrible to contemplate. But can Bush, and what he represents, be defeated?
It is already too late for America. That's not the issue. The question is: will another four years of rule by these soulless men and women make it too late for humankind?
Certainly defeating Bush will not, in itself, change anything. Shrub could easily be replaced by another puppet of the corporate and dark forces that are pulling his strings.
The issue goes beyond American hegemony as well. The reason people hate Bush so much is that they see or sense that the disgusting physical and metaphysical entities that rule the world are going for all the marbles in him.
The goal of greedy elites is the destruction of the diversity of life and peoples on earth, replaced by a smoothly operating consumeristic political economy. But that too is merely a means to the end of the ultimate metaphysical goal of the darkness in human consciousness. That is to bring about an irrecoverable erosion of the human character and the human spirit.