All together now, a new version of the old cheer:
When I say "anything," you say "Hillary."
"Anything!" "Hillary!"
"Anything!" "Hillary!"
She's like the face of Mary shimmering in the oil of a street puddle or appearing on the side of a barn at dusk, drawing the faithful thousands to the cornfield.
Within a few hours of the bombshell political news of the week -- that Howard Dean had snagged Al Gore's endorsement for the Democratic presidential nomination -- the newest Hillary Clinton conspiracy already was agitating in the spin cycle.
Up until late last month, the working weird theory was that Clinton was using Wesley Clark as a stalking horse, and then she would jump in at the last minute and run away with the Democratic Party nomination. Then the New Hampshire filing deadline came and went, without Clinton mailing in her papers.
So the obsession shifted four years to the future. It's not the Republicans this time -- who trot Hillary out whenever they want to scare the children -- but Democrats muttering because their candidate got Gored.
"It's just a pathetic pathology; I don't know how else to explain it," says Howard Wolfson, who was the senator's press secretary during her campaign. "We can't speculate about 2004 anymore, so let's speculate about 2008. Some people in the 19th century saw the Freemasons behind everything, and other people see the Clintons."