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"Let’s get out of Iraq," Fort Wayne, IN editorial

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TexasLawyer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 04:55 PM
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"Let’s get out of Iraq," Fort Wayne, IN editorial
Posted on Mon, Jan. 01, 2007

Let’s get out of Iraq
By Dean L. Frantz


We need to find the courage to admit that the Iraq war is a failed and flawed policy, and we need to extricate ourselves as quickly as possible. This is the only course of action that makes any sense.

We were told that this war would be a cakewalk, that we would be greeted as liberators, that it would be a short mission, and it would be paid for by oil revenues. Everything our elected officials told us about this war was wrong. The American people have been betrayed by those we trusted. So let’s not let those who betrayed us make the decisions now about Iraq.

A new Congress will convene in a few weeks. It is time for those who represent us in Congress to stand up and be counted. Americans should demand that Congress bite the bullet and make the hard decisions that we expect them to make, in view of what voters said in the last election, which was basically a vote on Iraq. Americans want out, and soon. If Congress does not act quickly to end this mess, I predict there will be massive protests in the streets of America.

I am sick and tired of all the excuses for remaining in Iraq, and I am mad that we are still not being told the truth about the war. If you agree, now is the time to let our elected officials know that we are angry and fed up with the slow pace of finding a solution to this problem. Bush tells us he is the Decider. Well, Mr. Bush, I have news for you. The American people are the deciders, and their decision was made clear in the election, and you had better listen for a change. The clear message of Americans to Bush was, “Enough, enough, stop the dilly-dallying and get real. We will accept nothing less. We want out of Iraq, and we want out now.”

Dean L. Frantz is a New Haven resident. He wrote this for The Journal Gazette.
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