The disorder at Saddam Hussein's execution has made some American and Iraqi officials conclude that Iraq's current government may not be able to disarm Shiite militias.
McClatchy News Service
BAGHDAD - The taunts and insults hurled at Saddam Hussein minutes before his execution Saturday have prompted some U.S. officials and Iraqi politicians to conclude that Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki's government is led by Shiite Muslim radicals and can't be counted on to disarm Shiite militias.
Several U.S. officials in Baghdad and Washington told McClatchy News Service that, practically speaking, the Bush administration no longer can expect Maliki to tackle the militias because Hussein's hanging exposed the depth of the government's sectarianism.
The scene at the execution ''confirms everyone's worst speculations about the government: It is sectarian and incompetent,'' said a U.S. official who agreed to speak under a promise of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic. The militias and Maliki's government are intertwined ''so much that you don't know for sure from issue to issue what is the militia and what is the government,'' the official said.
That assessment underscores the Bush administration's challenge as it considers sending thousands of additional U.S. troops to confront Iraq's growing sectarian violence.
more: is no longer useful to the admin, looks like it's time to throw him under the bus and let him resign