The Audacity of Nope
By Ruth Marcus
Wednesday, January 3, 2007; A19
"But the question I kept coming back to was this: Would I be the best president I could be if I were elected in 2008? Or would I be a better president if I waited and learned and served and ran at some point down the road?"
Let me acknowledge: This isn't the speech I expect Obama to give. Every indication is that he's planning to run. But this, or something like it, is the speech that I'd love to hear.
This is against professional interest: A Democratic race with Obama would be a lot more interesting. And Obama isn't any less experienced than, say, John Edwards was four years ago, after a career as a trial lawyer and just a few more years of experience in the Senate than the Illinois Democrat has now. But I do think that Obama would be a better candidate, and ultimately a better president, in 2012 or 2016 than in 2008. He will have learned more -- about the world, about domestic policy, about how to maneuver successfully in Washington.
The main argument for Obama to run in 2008 involves the shelf-life theory of politics: that the Obama magic might fade, that an opportunity this good might never present itself again. Maybe, but I think that Obama has more promise than that, more staying power and more self-knowledge.
"My attitude about something like the presidency is that you don't want to just be the president," he told Men's Vogue. "You want to be a great president."
If so, Obama should ask himself: Wouldn't he be more likely to achieve that goal if he had the self-confidence -- the audacity, really -- to choose to sit it out in 2008?