Edited on Mon Jan-08-07 12:35 PM by Daveparts
The long awaited surge in US troop strength is upon us, George of the Bungle, old blood and guts test of will. Our blood and his guts he will show the Iraqi insurgency that Iraq is still his country didn’t Tom Brocaw say it was after all. And after all it doesn’t matter what the public or the pentagon thinks in this country so why should he care what the insurgency in Iraq thinks? George and the pundits after all think in terms of pins stuck in maps not kids stuck in crossfire’s or vehicles disabled by IED’s Troop flows are not blood flows when it comes to the paid to know better set, out of sight out of mind, what funerals?
But the critics charge “But George what if the surge doesn’t work what then? Do we give up then?” But George isn’t listening Duh, haven’t we as a nation figured that out yet? It has become acutely easy to determine who in the administration is with this Helen Keller of Pennsylvania Ave. Those in the administration that agree with George of the bungle are called incoming those that disagree are called out going simple enough isn’t it? Surge and Purge, White House press spokesman Tony Snow (the hardest working man in snow business) says, “The administration welcomes opposing points of view” leaving out it that it makes it easier to know who to replace.
Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? A hundred thousand or a million tis a moot point. When Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over that lantern in the barn had ten firemen been on the spot the conflagration never would have happened. But once the cities in flames all the fireman in the world can’t help you. I’d bet you a dollar to a doughnut that Mrs. O’Leary was damn careful with cows and lanterns from then on! That’s the difference between Mrs. O’Leary and our Helen Keller on the Potomac, is this Helen doesn’t learn, if you put her hand under the pump and spell “That doesn’t work!” into it as the blood flows through it his response is to fire Ann Sullivan and find a new teacher that will spell good idea into his hand instead.
We as a people are stuck; George has stymied us with the poison pill defense of Dick Cheney. Name your poison stupid or maniacal the wolf man or Frankenstein? Either way it won’t solve the problem of how to get out of Iraq. I had to laugh as the corporate media frames the issue to corner the Democrats, CNN asked, “Do the Democrats have a plan of what to do in Iraq?” and the correspondent answered slowly shaking her head she answers no. Gosh, the democrats have control Congress for three whole days and they still don’t have a plan! What’s wrong with them?
After all it’s so simple, you can, leave and don’t look back I call that one cut and run plan in deference to George of the bungle. Two, try and bring about a cease-fire by diplomatic back channels then a phased withdrawal I call that one Peace with honor (Kudos to Nixon!) Or you try it George’s way, when your boat develops a hole in it and begins to fill with water you drill another hole to let the water back out then you find Generals and officials that will agree that’s a good plan then you fire anyone who disagrees I call that one the current policy.
I think a better question for CNN to ask would be, is it better to have no plan or a stupid plan? Or maybe after you’ve had three years not three days to come up with a plan and this is the best you can do? Fire everyone who disagrees and look for hear no evil, speak no evil and see no evil to warm cabinet chairs. It has all the makings of a tragic comedy if it weren’t for the real warm blood of real Americans that joined the military to serve their country not some imbecile’s ego.
Moe Larry and Curley were walking through the kennel one day when Curley says “Oh nice doggie!” Moe says “Say don’t you see that sign beware of dog lame brain!” Curley says, “Yeah but I want to pet him and take him home he looks friendly enough.” Curley sticks his hand in the cage and the dog bites his hand. “Hey Moe!” He screams what do I do? He bit me he bit me and won’t let go! Oh, oh,oh, oh!” Larry chimes in, “Well the sign said beware of dog! What did you expect?” Moe slaps him and says, “Alright wise guy what’s your plan?” “Gee Moe I don’t have one” “Well then shut up! Curley stick your other hand in the cage and maybe he’ll let go!”