Suppose Howard Dean wins the nomination, and you're a Howard Dean fan - or you're NOT a Howard Dean fan. Are you going to get behind Dean and tell the world he's the best thing since cream cheese? If Dean is endorsed by the National Education Association, are you going to rave about all the wonderful things the NEA has done for education? If so, shame on you.
That be a slap in the face to the millions of children trapped in derelict public schools. It could also be a disastrous political gesture, when you look at the big picture.
First, we all know that Dean is not perfect. His refusal to make his records available alone is very disturbing. Skiing after dodging the service due to an alleged back injury is also troubling.
None of these would stop me from supporting Dean. I would point out that George W. Bush is even more secretive and far more blatantly corrupt. I'd also point out that Bush is the ultimate chickenhawk, using Daddy's influence to avoid war, then later initiating war for political and corporate gain.
If Dean really did resort to unethical means to dodge the war, I really don't care. Vietnam was a sick joke, and only a moron would have willingly risked his life for the corrupt government that was prosecuting it. And if Dean really opposes the new chickenhawk corporate warfare, he gets some brownie points.
If Howard Lieberman got the nomination, I wouldn't hesitate to criticize him - but I'd tell visitors to my website that they have no choice but vote for the lesser of evils, Lieberman. If Kucinich was the nominee, I'd be overjoyed - but I'd still remain a little cautions. We won't know the whole truth about any of the candidates until they get elected.
Once they do get elected, they're going to have to move mountains if they hope to even begin reversing the damage Bush has inflicted on the United States. And WHAT IF we succeeded in electing a Republican operative? That may seem a distant prospect, but are you prepared for just such a fate?
No candidate is going to get rave reviews from me regarding public education. Even if the candidate beat Bush, children would remain hostage to Microsoft and the National Education Association, and I don't sell out kids; the Republican, Democratic and Green parties are doing a good job at that all by themselves. Still, I might point out that Republicans are outdoing even Dems and Greens in waging war against children. But I will not become a mindless wh*re for any party.
If you mindlessly gush about a candidate, to the point of propagating disinformation or simply avoiding embarrassing issues, then you set yourself up for failure. You impeach your credibility - a credibility you might need during future politicial contests - for Congress, Governor and your local school board.