The draft has never prevented or deterred war in the past and there is no reason to believe it wiil in the future. Quite the opposite: it provides a continuous stream of troops and enables military adventurism.
Hackworth was wrong on the facts.
"The data shows the force is more educated than the population at large.
Servicemembers have high school diplomas or the general equivalency diploma. More servicemembers have some college than the typical 18- to 24-year-olds. "To carry representativeness to the extreme, we would have to have a less-educated force or we would want a lower-aptitude force," Gilroy said.
On the socioeconomic side, the military is strongly middle class, Gilroy said. More recruits are drawn from the middle class and fewer are coming from poorer and wealthier families. Recruits from poorer families are actually underrepresented in the military, Gilroy said. " the draft will do is enable the government to take your kid or my kid against their will and waste their life in some misbegotten adventure. No thanks. Not now. Not ever.