14, 2007 at 10:48:13
Clueless George's Responsibility Problem
by John Perry
But there was the Pretender-in-Chief yesterday, saying in response to those with the courage to publicly challenge his ignorance: "To oppose everything while proposing nothing is irresponsible."
As if it was entirely responsible of him to:
Illegally divert 700 million dollars appropriated for Afghanistan to Iraq in 2002, in preparation for the war that he was saying right up to the last minute was a last resort.
Include the bogus claim of a uranium deal between Iraq and Niger in his 2003 State of the Union Address, when his own intelligence community had been telling him for months that the claim could not be substantiated, and had actually forced him to remove the claim from a late 2002 speech.
Pull the weapons inspectors out of Iraq so he could launch "Shock and Awe", and claim that it was Saddam who threw them out and forced his hand.
Send troops into battle so poorly protected that many were forced to "armor" their Humvees with plywood and sand bags, and families were forced to buy protective and communication equipment on their own and send it to their loved ones in Iraq.
Allow the Pentagon to tell troops that if they died in battle wearing armor that they had purchased themselves (because the armor provided by the company with the exclusive Pentagon contract was crap and completely unsafe), their families might not receive their death benefits.
Stand up at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Dinner in early 2004, with the blood of several hundred American troops and several thousand innocent Iraqis already on his hands, and actually make jokes about not being able to find the weapons of mass destruction that he said made his war necessary.
Say continuously that "We will settle for nothing less than total victory", without ever (to this day) defining "total victory".
Tell the families of the soldiers killed in his illegal war of choice that they died for a noble cause, without ever (to this day) telling them what the noble cause is.