Richard Daughty, the angriest guy in economics -- World News Trust
Jan. 16, 2007 -- I'm locked down, safe and secure, in the Mogambo Fortress Of Paranoia Central (MFOPC), away from the economic mayhem, and I'm idly surfing the net to monitor the unfolding slow-motion implosion of the world economy. I have my feet up on the console, and I am casually using the barrel of an AK-47 to tap out coded commands to the computer keyboard. Like an idiot, I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing, old habits being what they are, and I reflexively clicked on Doug Noland's Credit Bubble Bulletin at
Instantly, I knew I had made a mistake when, like some searing CIA laser beam burning into my fevered brain, the first thing I see is a graph of M2 money supply over the last twelve months.
It was horrifying, horrifying!
The result was an involuntary spasm that resulted in a long burst of very expensive ammo being used up for nothing, making a hell of a racket and scaring me half to death, and a stupid oscilloscope got blasted into a zillion stupid pieces.
I had intended to dramatize this rising M2 thing by inserting a scary soundtrack of lightning, thunder crashing, wolves howling and policemen demanding that you come out with your hands up, with my wife's voice in the background shouting, "I know what you did, you stinking Mogambo trash (SMT)! We all know what you did, and now you’re going down!"
But now, I figure that the shock of a machine gun blasting away in a closed space is already an appropriate amount of "scary" to accompany the one-year chart of the growth of M2 money supply, as the horror is that M2 is rising in a classic example of an exponential function.