the Bushites Bringing on Impeachment? A Speculation
by Andrew Bard Schmookler
I've expended some virtual ink here laying out my thoughts, post election, regarding the idea of impeachment. In a nutshell, I've said that while the Bushites deserve impeachment like none others in American history, the Democrats should proceed very carefully if at all to make sure that they do not play into the Bushites' hands and lose the center of the American electorate. What I had in mind was that the Dems conduct the right kinds of hearings in the right way, and see how things evolve.
1) Signs are accumulating that the new Bushite gambit is NOT about Iraq but about expanding the existing disaster in Iraq into a wider regional war, with Iran in particular as the target.
2) It is clear that there are many in Congress --including some Republicans-- who want to stop this administration from unilaterally escalating and expanding America's involvement in war in that region. A variety of possible checks are being discussed, from using the power of the purse to revoking the president's authorization to use force to the War Powers Act.
3) It is also pretty clear that the Bushites will not recognize the authority of Congress to prevent the president from doing whatever he wishes to do. Not only is there a long record of this administration's making claims of virtually unchecked power for the "commander-in-chief," but such statements are continuing as Congress and the administration appear to be moving toward a constitutional confrontation over these matters of checks and balances.
4) The question then arises over how this confrontation will be resolved. Perhaps the issues could be taken to the Supreme Court. With that scenario, I wonder two things: first, would it be possible to get a resolution in a timely way, i.e. before the "commander-in-chief" might have taken the actions forbidden him by Congress; second, could one count on the Court --with its new members Roberts and Alito-- to come down against the Bushite interpretation in which the president gets the power of an autocrat? Might Congress decide that resolving the specific issues through the Court would not be a workable solution?
That leads to the final point.
5) Perhaps it is in the context of such a struggle that a bi-partisan majority in Congress could conceivably decide that the best way to block the Bushites from compounding the disaster they've created would be simply to remove them from office. After all, it would not be difficult at all to find the legal bases of "high crimes and misdemeanors" on which to base an impeachment.