Mickey Z. (and the Expendables) -- World News Trust
Jan. 22, 2007 -- I've been extremely fortunate to attract an amazing mix of regulars to my blog... a crew self-dubbed "The Expendables." The conversations range from serious to silly and often have nothing to do with my post for the day. The topic du jour Friday, Jan. 19, was a certain Venezuelan president.
Paul M. wrote: "Hello all Expendables. What do you make of the latest accusations leveled at (Hugo) Chavez?"
Paul was referring a BBC News report, "Rule by decree passed for Chavez" (Subtitled: "Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and rule by decree for 18 months"). The article began: "President Hugo Chavez says he wants 'revolutionary laws' to enact sweeping political, economic, and social changes." In the name of strengthening his "Bolivarian revolution," it seems Chavez has said he wants to "nationalize key sectors of the economy and scrap limits on the terms a president can serve." He also wants to see "major Venezuelan power and telecoms companies come under state control ... (and) an end to foreign ownership of lucrative crude oil refineries in the Orinoco region."
Paul M. added: "I totally oppose authoritarianism in all its forms, and idiotic Socialists/Marxists are always susceptible to this, but I'm wondering if it's the BBC reporting a lot of shit again."
My response: "Who knows? I certainly don't trust the corporate media as an objective source, re: official U.S. enemies. But, of course, Chavez is human and thus capable of such behavior. What does everyone else think?"
Here's a sampling of Expendable comments (based on what was known on Jan. 19):