Mr. Nugent,
The last few months have been a nightmare for conservative Americans. First, the Demislamunistofascists take control of Congress, prompting some of our least loyal congressional stars to begin singing hosanas in praise of such treasonous acts as minimum wage hikes and premature iraqejection. Then, Our Leader repudiates his Article II powers which allow him to invade our privacy without warrants. And now, even those who've shared Our Leader's special providence sour in their support for the Iraq phase of Our Eternal War to Resubjugate Brown People.
In the midst of all this treachery, you continue to stand firm in your conservative convictions. While Sam Brownback hemmed and hawed about whether homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children, you stood on a stage at Texas Gov. Rick Perry's inaugural ball, wearing the beloved colors of our confederate heritage, waving an assault rifle, and shouting insults at anyone who dared to speak Mexican.
You did it because that's who you are, a man who will not, and indeed, cannot, abandon his conservative values. You are a perfect specimen of conservative manhood.
You've always been that way. As the Detroit Free Press Magazine reported in 1990, you were already serving as an exemplar of Republican values back in the Sixties, when, like Our Leader, Deputy Leader Cheney, and Minister of Truth Limbaugh, you courageously dodged service in Vietnam
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