officials elsewhere to try to coerce their cooperation in bullying Cuba on our country's right-wing's behalf:
U.S. officials with Latin American responsibilities often discuss Cuba on their trips abroad.
The State Department's Cuba Transition Coordinator, Caleb McCarry has traveled to Spain, Finland -- which then held the EU's rotating presidency -- and Germany, which currently holds it.
Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere Thomas Shannon has traveled widely in Latin America as well as China, Spain and Canada. And Kirsten Madison, who among other duties oversees the Cuba desk at the State Department, has been to France, Italy and Belgium.
The State Department says it is not only out to convince others on the merits of U.S. policy on Cuba.
''This is not us giving them information only,'' spokesman Eric Watnik said. ``We want to know what they are doing to help the Cuban people and see if we can work together in supporting a democratic transition.''
U.S. officials say they understand that other nations oppose Washington's ''tactics'' but that the two sides should work together to achieve democracy in Cuba.
They're probably desperate to force some right-wing action on Cuba before the new Congress can drop the travel ban and Americans can start pouring into the country to see for themselves whether or not they've been told whoppers about Cuba by our own government!
Congress was getting closer and closer to a veto-proof majority needed to drop the travel ban BEFORE the last election. God, I hope this is the time we can do it.