and I can tell you that it ain't no picnic at all to be without insurance in this country. Even when I did have insurance, the deductibles and co-pays were ridiculous. And medical debt collectrolls are even more aggressive and vicious than the regular collectrolls, (it's actually documented that hospitals and most other medical providers are some of the most aggressive debt collectors in the country) is truly, pardon the deliberate pun, sickening.
I just try to take care of myself and keep health, and I hope and pray every day that nothing major will happen to me, because I will then be in hock to the fucking so-called "health care" system for the rest of my natural life. They will suck from you what little you have and keep on sucking even when you have nothing left. They are especially vicious with the uninsured, and we are charged at least twice as much, if not more, than the insured. I am currently doing without my bipolar medicine and psychiatric visits because I don't have the money for the monthly prescription, and I can't find a doctor who will accept uninsured patients without the entire payment upfront, which I simply don't have since it's more than I make in a day.
In fact, I can't find any doctors around here at all, of any type, who will accept uninsured patients even if they pay upfront, which most of us simply cannot do anyway. Even a simple visit to the ER can cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars, which they will then proceed to aggressively collect regardless of whether or not you have anything at all. That will then ruin your credit, which will make it even harder to find a job (I don't think medical bills have any business being on credit reports, but that's another thread). Been there, done that. Fortunately, all of the other times in my life I've been uninsured nothing major has happened, so hopefully that will be the case this time. I'm working, but neither my employer nor myself can afford insurance, he's uninsured himself.
I wish all of those who claim that we have the best health care in the world could follow just one person and/or family without health insurance, or an insured person with a major illness, for just one month and they'd see how quickly that claim turns to bullshit. It's just absolutely exhausting. I can't even go for routine doctor visits for mundane stuff, I don't have the fee upfront and they don't take uninsured patients anyway.
I'll never forget a time about seven years ago when I was uninsured between jobs, I had a nasty throat infection and the doctor's office, where I'd been a patient for over eight years, refused to let me see any of the doctors at all until I'd paid a back balance and made payment arrangements for future balances, even though they knew I had a very high fever, and was in such pain I could hardly talk. I couldn't make arrangements because I was job hunting at that time and didn't know what my income situation would be yet, but that didn't matter to them at all. I'm in a different state now, but things aren't that much different here, either. I can't find a doctor who will even take uninsured patients; even if you're a current patient of them, if you become uninsured, you're persona non grata as far as they're concerned.
I'm going to start a diary of what it's like to be uninsured right now in this country, even though I'm very lucky in that I'm pretty healthy and don't have any major medical conditions. It's difficult enough for me, I can't imagine what it must be like for those uninsured who do have major or chronic conditions and/or who aren't in the best of health. The only thing I have to worry about now is being bipolar and unable to afford my prescription or find a doctor who will accept uninsured patients. Where I am, there's a public facility for those with substance abuse issues, but no community mental health clinic or anything like that. Fortunately, I have a good support network and am pretty stable for now.