To the bitter end, Bush tries to sell us an al-Maliki government that he clearly doesn't trust and an Iraqi Army that no self-respecting soldier anywhere would trust. Only no one is buying. Finally the Republicans have figured out that Bush might be taking them down with him. He gave away the House because of his stubborn handling of this war, he gave away the Senate. Now he is trying to give away the White House with both hands.
One year ago George W. Bush talked about working with the Congress when it was still controlled, all of it, by his own party. Last night he talked about reaching out to Congress again. Yet when he makes the unilateral decision to send more troops to Iraq, when he sends a number that wouldn't have been enough back in the summer of 2003, when we still had a fighting chance over there, he doesn't want to hear from anybody. Then his outgoing vice president, Cheney, goes on television and says that you can't run a war by committee.
Sometimes it is the entire Bush presidency that seems manufactured, one that keeps getting rewritten like his State of the Union. Now he proposes a "special advisory council on the war on terror, made up of leaders in Congress from both political parties. We will share ideas ..."
Now he wants to share ideas, after he sends another 21,500 American soldiers over there, and don't try to stop him. Now he wants to "cross the aisle when there is work to be done."