more: :: Environment/Food/Health : Military, Weapons
Livermore Pro-Nukers Move to Kill More in San Francisco AreaAuthor
Bob Nichols, Project Censored Winner
Date Created
24 Jan 2007
Date Edited
24 Jan 2007 05:50:38 PM
This work licensed under a Creative Commons license
Apparently the rogue Livermore Nuker Lab has declared war on San Francisco. The Nuclear Weapons Lab has been "managed" by UC-Berkeley for 61 years.
(San Francisco) In a truly bizarre development, the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, in Livermore, California, has gotten underway even larger nuclear radiation open air explosive detonations at "Site 300" near Tracy, California.
Tracy is on the South end of the Bay Area. The High Explosive detonations are to widely distribute radioactive poison gas
over the unsuspecting seven million residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, water supplies, buildings, animals, food crops and plants of every variety.
Bob Sarvey, Bay Area citizen/activist and businessman stated "The government has been using Site 300 as an explosives testing facility since the late 1950's. The site has been a toxic Superfund site since 1991 and contains a 2 mile tritium plume with deposits of U-238 in unlined pits. No one has paid much attention; but, now that the City of Tracy wants to build 5,500 homes in the shadow of the Site it's time to examine its radiological and noise impacts on Tracy and the radiological impacts on the rest of the Bay Area."
The great billion dollar foodstuff and veggie producing irrigated valleys of California are just a stones throw away.The Nation's food supply is in danger.