This is the ultraconservative Detroit News' own editorial on the topic of no-bid contracts.
Money comes before ideology.
WOW!, December 14, 2003
Bush Administration Should Get Best Value in Rebuilding Iraq
Restricting bidding process for Iraq reconstruction contracts damages American taxpayers
France, Germany and Russia should spare everybody their belly aching. They didn’t offer any support — political, military or material — in toppling Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. So they have no right now to complain that the Bush administration is barring them from bidding on rebuilding contracts in Iraq.
But American taxpayers do.
This is unacceptable. American taxpayers have been asked to make major sacrifices to aid in the reconstruction of Iraq. The administration has an obligation to stretch their dollars as far as possible by soliciting bids from all capable firms.
If this means allowing America’s opponents the opportunity to compete, then so be it. Any thing less shortchanges American taxpayers.