,1,3148984.story?coll=chi-opinionfront-hedFor quite some time, media critics and those on the left have argued that Fox News is an ideologically driven propaganda network.
It took a few hundred years for journalism to reach the stage at which the best truth one could find was the force behind what was published, broadcast, put before the public. Critics find it hard to believe, but much of what is called "mainstream media" agonizes every day over what is true and what is not, because it is wrong to print what is not provably true.
In that context, what Insight did on its Web site, and what Fox News did in repeating the report, was not ideological at all. It was unethical, unprofessional and shabby, a trifecta, if you will, in the world of journalism.
It also is a sign of the growing indifference Internet "journalism" presents on the question of truth. Rumor is good enough. Bibles of blogging are created based on nothing more than rumor.
So sure, scan it, scroll through it, read it. But, also, ask yourself: Do you know who's giving you your news?