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MoveCongress is not, in fact, "affiliated" with MoveOn. -and Murtha

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 01:56 PM
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MoveCongress is not, in fact, "affiliated" with MoveOn. -and Murtha

America Supports Murtha Plan Despite Media Misrepresentations and Party In-Fighting

Those Democrats in the House determined to gut Jack Murtha's plan to tie Iraq funding to strict troop-readiness standards have found a great ally in the Washington Post. Hot on the heels of the hit-job editorial that Brit Hume used to buttress his senility surge assault, came Sunday's shiv-in-the-back "news story" headlined "Murtha Stumbles on Iraq Funding Curbs" (Get it?

He's old, and old guys sometime stumble on curbs. Fun With Double Entendres!)

The piece, co-written by Jonathan Weisman and Lyndsey Layton, slams Murtha for the "botched launch" of his plan, claiming that Murtha's actions have "united Republicans and divided Democrats, sending the latter back to the drawing board just a week before scheduled legislative action, a score of House Democratic lawmakers said last week." The implication being that Murtha somehow blew it and put an end to the Democrats' blissful unity on Iraq. The truth is that there have been deep divisions among Democrats on the war since the beginning.

For example, Blue Dog Dem Jim Matheson's claim that Murtha's plan is "a non-starter, an absolute non-starter" is based more on his buying the GOP talking point that it "holds back resources from our troops" than any stumbles on Murtha's part.

And what is Weisnman and Layton's excuse for their sloppy reporting that Murtha's plan "surfaced Feb. 15 in an unorthodox Murtha appearance on, an antiwar Web site affiliated with the liberal activists of"? You see, MoveCongress is not, in fact, "affiliated" with MoveOn. Indeed, if the Post reporters had bothered to check out the MoveCongress site, they'd have found a note announcing a name change contest designed to help the fact-check-challenged media avoid any further confusion.


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Bitwit1234 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-01-07 02:05 PM
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1. Boy-- those united republicans
They were so united --- is that why they passed all those bills, those laws and handled the Iraq war and deficit and Katrina and all the other things that have been left to the democrats to set right.
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