missed this earlier.
I do hope the next two years will not be like this!! (I do not care who the candidate is-----this is not the right thing to do)
http://gamepolitics.com/2007/03/01/edwards-sl-hq-trashed/John Edwards Second Life Campaign HQ Vandalized
According to a post on presidential candidate John Edwards’ official blog, the Democrat’s Second Life campaign headquarters was trashed, apparently by Republican gamers:
Shortly before midnight (CST) on Monday, February 26, a group of republican Second Life users, some sporting “Bush ‘08″ tags, vandalized the John Edwards Second Life HQ. They plastered the area with Marxist/Lenninist posters and slogans, a feces spewing obsenity, and a photoshopped picture of John in blackface, all the while harrassing visitors with right-wing nonsense and obsenity-laden abuse of Democrats in general and John in particular.
The author of the blog post, identified only as robinrising, was apparently a witness to the incident and provided screen shots and chat logs to SL publisher Linden Lab for possible disciplinary action.
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