Who can add a tale or two of their own? E-ops is a whole new world. Clever neocon nerds can invade your computer if you do not have adequate security, and use the web to evade legal concerns in any one jurisdiction.
We wish they were lunatics!
Democratic Activists Harassed by Republican Lunatics
http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_stephen__070303_democratic_activists.htm"Populist Democratic activists are routinely being harassed by the lunatic fringe of the Republican Right and fanatics from the anti-Democratic Left. Lately, it seems increasingly likely that some of those on the Internet harassing Populist Democratic activists are actually supporters of the Republican Right pretending to be from the anti-Democratic Left.
The idea seems to be to make political activism personally unpleasant and nasty. The Republican Right has routinely acted in this manner to keep voters from the polls. New activists and writers are often discouraged by these tactics. Many veterans of Democratic Internet activism are encouraged. I certainly am emboldened and delighted by the harassment. It means I am being effective and the opposition would like to silence me.
When I first started writing the Democratic Voices column and airing Democratic Talk Radio (
http://www.DemocraticTalkRadio.com ), the Republican Right lunatic fringe tried to harass us out of business with a tidal wave, frontal assault of insults, venom, profanities, obscenities, occasional death threats, anthrax hoax letters, etc. Once I wrote about how delighted these Republican attacks made me, they slowed to a mere trickle.