by Rob Kall
We are seeing, as the disaster unfolds, that the levels of leadership that failed at Walter Reed go up higher and higher
These Generals above Generals above Generals all failed to do their jobs.
This is a pattern that is not isolated to Walter Reed Hospital, not isolated to the Military hospital system, not isolated to the VA medical system, which we have been chronicling as badly broken.
This pattern is a top down pattern, just like Abu Ghraib, just like the humvee armor, just like the absense of kevlar vests... just like the failed WMD intelligence... just like the failure to secure IRaqi weapons and ammunition depots immediately after Bush's "mission accomplished" "shock and Awe."
This is Katrina on the Potomac. What we see here is gross failure to pay attention, failure to do the job, failure to respect the soldiers, and there are more reasons to believe that these leaders, at the top of the “chain” are handling the situation in Iraq the same way they are handlling the situation at Walter Reed.
As I said, this is a top down problem. Bush, Cheney, their surrogates—they’ve done incredible damage to the contents of the leadership of the military. They have fired any leaders with the guts and integrity to speak up and disagree with the view of the world they wanted to see. That has left the US military—this huge institution in a massively disased condition, requiring major life-saving surgery. >>>>>>snip