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Civilian deaths turning Afghans toward Taliban: analysts

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maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 05:11 AM
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Civilian deaths turning Afghans toward Taliban: analysts
KABUL (AFP) - Civilian casualties caused by NATO and US-led soldiers in Afghanistan -- almost 20 killed in the past few days -- are driving its war-weary populace into the hands of the Taliban, analysts and officials say.

Nine Afghans were killed late Sunday when coalition warplanes bombed their house after a rocket attack. Hours earlier there were angry protests after 10 civilians died when US troops opened fire after a suicide ambush.


But experts say that in the short term the foreign forces must find new and less deadly ways of separating militants from the masses -- while in the long term they must focus more on reconstruction.

"Incidents such as the killing of defenceless civilians are a great opportunity for the Taliban to claim they protect the people and that foreign troops and the government are killing them," analyst Wahid Mujda told AFP.

This shift in feeling was starkly evident after Sunday's carnage in eastern Nangarhar province when hundreds of demonstrators called for the death of the weak, US-backed Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

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ShortnFiery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 05:39 AM
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1. That can't be ...
Every American knows that our smart bombs are programed not to hit civilians. :eyes:

That's why "War is Terrorism" at it's most brutal and blood soaked. That's why MOST sane countries enter into war as a last resort.

Be prepared for NATO troops to pull out of Afghanistan, sooner rather than later. Answer: The normal progression of resistance against occupation. Unless an occupying country can tolerate everlasting bloodbaths, they ... well, they STOP occupying that Country. :shrug:
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Warren Stupidity Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 07:29 AM
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2. Total Goat Fuck
The neocons have managed to take their Big Asian Adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan from the FUBAR level of Mongolian Cluster Fuck, to the truly worldclass FUBAR level of Total Goat Fuck. They should be congratulated. I hereby give up on all conspiracy theories about why they have done what they have done. There is no conspiracy here. The only motive is graft and corruption. The motive is permanent war enriching their privitized war machine. Halliburton Uber Alles.
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