Of Shameless Devotion to Wealth, Privilege, and Empire
By Jason Miller -- World News Trust
March 6, 2007 -- Consider this my mea culpa for publishing If You Hate America So Much, Why Don’t You Get the Hell Out! on my notoriously unorthodox sociopolitical blog, Thomas Paine’s Corner. When Jay Gould III, the former CEO of a major defense contractor, challenged me to post his viewpoint, I agreed to do so. This despite the fact that most of his positions clash violently with Thomas Paine’s Corner’s stated purpose, which is:
… advancing universal human rights, fostering social and economic justice, and supporting the cause of all oppressed, exploited, and impoverished human beings on our Earth.
After a series of email exchanges with my allies, publishers, partner sites, and with Gould, I realized that I had exercised poor judgment in putting his piece on my blog and in exercising my publishing privileges on his behalf on OpEd News. As Gould himself pointed out in a gleeful email (in which he called me his “useful idiot”), I had provided him with a means to reach online readers to advance his elitist agenda, which could easily have been learned at the knee of the Bush matriarch.
Upon reading Gould’s vituperative attack on minorities, dissidents, human rights, equality, economic justice, the rule of law, Chalmers Johnson, and a host of other progressive people, causes, and values, Jeff Rense of Rense.com assessed Gould by commenting:
“He’d have no problem manning the guard towers at death camps for dissident Americans … dissident meaning people who don’t agree with him. He’s possibly insane by some standards.”
In retrospect, I agree with Jeff. It is obvious that Jay Gould III, despite being an ostensibly respectable member of society, has some serious mental health issues and is badly in need of intensive therapy. His absence of compassion and empathy would probably indicate something on the order of narcissistic (or perhaps even anti-social) personality disorder. Obviously his position of privilege has enabled him to keep his pathologies hidden enough to avoid legal entanglements and maintain the wealth and influence that his kind craves. However, that makes him no less dangerous than an impoverished, uneducated individual with similar tendencies who has acted out by committing a violent crime.
Over the last few days he has flooded my inbox with emails. Virtually every time someone has posted a negative response to his harangue (which appeared on a number of sites), he has taken it personally and sent me an attack email. I have acquired a cyber-stalker of sorts, who delights in bombarding me with acrimonious missives. While it gets tiresome, it is actually more amusing than bothersome. When I envisage that bitter, terrified individual safely barricaded within his gated community making desperate attempts to preserve his pampered lifestyle and justify his loathsome existence, I feel an ambivalent blend of pathos and schadenfreude.