Act of Patriotism
A. Alexander, March 5th, 2007
According to the increasingly extremist Republican Party screech machine, anyone who dislikes George W. Bush isn't a good American. Hearing them question other peoples' patriotism because the thought of Mister Bush makes their skin crawl, is getting old. Honestly, what isn't there to despise about the sad little rich boy who never grew up; dodged his duty to fight in Vietnam; failed at everything he's ever attempted throughout his sad life; lied a nation to war; almost revels in the torturing of other human beings and in the doing, single handedly destroyed more than 200 years of grudging global respect for the always imperfect but forever evolving United States?
For the Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh's of this world, the American people should simply forget that the current White House occupant has sent their children off to die for a mountain of lies and undermined every "inalienable" liberty enshrined in the Constitution. Sure - let's just forget about all that and spark a campfire, roast some marshmallows, and sing Kumbaya. After all, Mister Bush has professed his love of Jesus...and that is all that matters. Never mind he rules like Herod, has forced millions of Americans INTO poverty, and worships the wealthy. He says he loves baby Jesus...and that's, that!
Take a moment to listen to the radicalized Republican noise machine and it'll not be long before they begin to insist that the peoples' distrust and dislike toward the baby Jesus-loving George W. Bush, is rooted in nothing more than hysterical irrationality.
Personally, I can give a damn what FOX News or its all too impressionable viewers think. For me, everything I need to know about Mister Bush is perfectly highlighted in one circumstance: his affinity for torture and the subsequent injustice that he has wrought on innocent human beings like the German citizen, Khaled El-Masri.
This is the America created by George W. Bush, as experienced by Mister El-Masri: With the President's full blessing, " I was handed over to the American Central Intelligence Agency and was stripped, severely beaten, shackled, dressed in a diaper, injected with drugs, chained to the floor of a plane and flown to Afghanistan, where I was imprisoned in a foul dungeon for more than four months.