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Chris Floyd; A Tale of Two Houses: How the Clintons and Bushes Took us to Hell

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 07:23 PM
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Chris Floyd; A Tale of Two Houses: How the Clintons and Bushes Took us to Hell

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A Tale of Two Houses: How the Clintons and Bushes Took us to Hell

Written by Chris Floyd
Monday, 05 March 2007

Scott Ritter is back, telling the same truths he's been telling for almost a decade, about the rank deception and violent aggression that has driven the bipartisan American effort to conquer and plunder Iraq. Ritter has been forced into this Sisyphean labor because these self-evident truths – lying in plain sight for many years – are still ruthlessly suppressed by the corporate media and forever removed from the public "debate" over U.S. policy.

The need for this reiteration is even more urgent now, as the early architects of the war crime in Iraq are now "surging" toward power in the White House once again – the Clinton machine. If they shimmy back to the top of the greasy pole, they will simply do what they did before: put a little lipstick on the great stonking pig of American militarism, dressing up the brutal drive for global dominance with earnest, pursed-lipped liberal rhetoric. That's what happened in the last Clinton administration; that's what will happen in the next Clinton administration.

Ritter knows this; Ritter was there. In the piece excerpted below, he tells – once again – of his direct, eyewitness experience of the deception and aggression practiced by the Clinton White House toward Iraq, practices that were, in miniature, the precise model of the depredations of his successor.

The House of Clinton and the House of Bush are deeply intwined, in their policies, their philosophies, their politics, even their personal lives: witness the extraordinary "adoption" of Bill Clinton as a surrogate son by the elder George Bush and his wife. This rapprochement is usually attributed to the respect and friendliness that Clinton showed Bush during their goodwill trip to aid the tsunami victims, and perhaps this did spark a more personal affection between the men. But their relationship began much earlier, in a mysterious circumstance that still cries out for further explication: the fact that during their contest for the presidency in 1992, both Clinton and Bush shared the same major: Arkansas financier Jackson Stephens.

After his narrow victory, Clinton then proceeded to shut down the still on-going investigations into the corruption and crimes of his predecessor. Iran-Contra, BCCI, and especially Bush's massive, secret and often illegal efforts to arm Saddam Hussein and supply him with material for chemical weapons – all of these probes were cut off, starved or shunted aside by the Clinton Administration. (For more, see Robert Parry on "The Clintons' Real Trouble With the Truth."]

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judaspriestess Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 07:31 PM
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1. yes, they are both part of the

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Southsideirish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 07:44 PM
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2. Great article. Definitely "birds of a feather." Both make me sick.
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