On Monday night, on Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes," which I understand was Dr. Goebbels' favorite program, she defended herself: "Faggot isn't offensive to gays; it has nothing to do with gays," she said, no doubt to gales of laughter in red states. "It's a schoolyard taunt meaning 'wuss,' and unless you're telling me that John Edwards is gay, it was not applied to a gay person."
I have a question. How is it that Ann Coulter is so belligerent and testosterone-laden? I know, I know, this isn't the 19th century, and women don't sit around stirring teacups with silver spoons. Still, she is the toughest guy in the conservative camp, a brawling longshoreman in a miniskirt.
That is why I suspect that she is really a cross-dressing man. She is certainly cross, and men are the more notorious gender for behaving badly. Do I know this for certain? Of course not. I am not married to her -- hurrah for me and all of us who are not! -- and have not done the necessary research.
But if you asked me, I'd have to say it were true, because I notice that saying outrageous things is the way to get ahead.
Because she is a man, that puts all her panting conservative male fans in somewhat of an embarrassing position. As for me, her manhood is just another good reason I am glad not to be married to her. Not that I think that there's anything wrong with gay marriage. It's just that I don't like surprises.