Libby's Lies, Cheney's Lies
Irv Lewis Libby is a convicted liar and perjurer, guilty of obstruction of justice.
Unfortunately, he was not convicted of revealing to the public the identity of Valerie Plame Wilson as a covert operative at the CIA, who was working against Iranian development of nuclear weapons.
It is time for the Democrats in Congress to step up and impeach Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney. Enough came out in this trial to make it clear that Cheney was deeply involved in the operation to smear Wilson. The vice president of the United States should not be in the business of outing CIA operatives! This was a high crime, and Congress could impeach if it desired. A conviction in the House of Representatives could, I believe, easily be gotten. The Senate would be more difficult, given the strength of the Republicans there. But Republicans would have voted to impeach Nixon. Why not Cheney?
On this great occasion in which justice has at last been done, I thought readers might enjoy a reprint edition from February 10, 2006, of my explanation of the Niger yellowcake uranium story and the way it led to Libby's downfall.
Cheney Authorized Libby to Disclose Classified Documents
Once upon a time, a former agent of Italian military intelligence named
Rocco Martino, who had had some experience in the African country of Niger, came into possession of some forged, fraudulent documents...