Senator Inevitable has all the money and brains and influential connections. Plus, she has a rock-star-popular husband, the ex-President, who's a brilliant strategist and performer. <snip>
(But winning in 06 has led) Democrats to embrace a far more ambitious sense of what's possible. Senator Clinton, the brainy policy wonk conscientiously calculating her next move, suddenly seems miscast for an era when Democrats are on offense and bolder ideas are back in play. <snip>
Does she intend to emulate the risk-averse, center-right juggling act by which her husband governed? Or, as she sometimes suggests, will Clinton II be more aggressively progressive, less beholden to business and financial interests, more loyal to the struggles of working people? <snip>
Hillary Clinton may lack the insincerity to pull it (Bill's contradictory positions that didn't affect his popularity) off.
-(she's) adding a little (progressive) muscle each time but always a step or two behind public opinion (on war is Bill right that people would "rather have someone who is strong and wrong rather than somebody who is weak and right." ?)
... (She even was) voting against CAFTA in 2005... But she cannot embrace fundamental reforms (and mean it) without colliding with her husband's championing of free trade and with Robert Rubin (snip>
The "turn the page" Obama quote he uses is an excellent summary of what might cause her to not get the nomination - again in my opinion.